As a creative, I define myself by the visual things I see all around me. I am driven by colour and beautiful images and find both comfort and joy in looking at beautiful things. I love graphic clean lines as much as exceptional ornate and intricate details found everywhere around us.
The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative defines inspiration for me as a creative person. There are any number of fellow artists that inspire me daily. Their talent inspires me to create, learn and strive to be better than the last thing I did. One of such artists is Blu Smith a Vancouver based artist who's colour and style by far surpass none. The first statement on his website is, "To create one's own world takes courage." Blu Smith .
“Creativty is something you can not contain. You are born with it, and no matter what form it takes, expressing it is what makes us all completely unique as individuals.
There has never been a truer statement and this will always resonate with me as I strive to create my creative path. His artwork explodes in a symphony of colour and organic shapes, where each piece blows my mind, repeatedly.
He is truly an artist who has mastered his craft and has defined himself on a global scale. If beauty is your thing then I strongly recommend this Artist. What I know for certain is every time his artwork pops up in one of my social media feeds, it gives me pause! Truly inspiring paintings that I encourage everyone to experience.